((Assuming this is the day after the ale incident, and whatnot. Also, yay for actually having her get a chance to draw!))

It was surprising how quickly time could pass. Althea had ended up working and drawing for a good portion of the day, her attention mostly focused on the piece before her. It was merely the common room from the corner she sat in. It was a bit tough to keep the ink she used from spilling, but the end result pleased the girl enough. She hadn't been able to find anything but some of the ink that the wizards seemed to hoard.

She stretched her stiff limbs, yawning slightly. She had been up for a while now, almost before sunrise. She had managed to wash off some of the ale smell at least, though she was still dressed in her armor. The air was considerably warmer from where she had come from, and she was just wearing the more protective parts of the armor. It felt weird to have her arms a bit more exposed, but she was more then covered.

Her stomach growled as the short wizard came down, reminding her that the girl hadn't eaten anything for quite some time.

Do you mind if I join you? Been a while since I had anything to eat.