Still in a bit of a sulky mood, Rana 'pfft'ed at Gale's commentary, leaning back on a wall as, no doubt, Lesia and Tesciam filtered into the room.

"You might say that, but, good sir, that's not the same thing as living it! No matter what you've heard, I know it firsthand."

She shook her head. Now was not the time to bore some stranger with her life's story. That was... it just... it felt cheesy. Like a bad heroic novel. But... but... he was somewhat right. She WOULD have to wait. And... hm. Hm.

"It doesn't matter anyway. He won't survive the next time. And there'll be a next time. I'll make sure of that! Lesia, for my sake, will make sure of that."

A few seconds passed, a bit more sulky cat-petting occurred.

"...So... Yeah. Who the heck are you, anyway? I'm-"

Rana started to make the vague hiss of the needed syllable to start her House name, but paused. The last thing she needed was to be portrayed as not just impertinent and impatient, but a harlot on top of it! So she just glossed over it.

"-Rana. I'd mention where I had to come from to get out here, but... Chances are I've been so damnably obvious about it that you already know."

She made a sidelong glance at Lesia and Tesciam, portraying an idle curiosity at their doings.