DM to party
The night passes without incident. The party rests uncomfortably knowing that the threat against the party is still out there. No answers to the questions of WHY the party is being hunted makes an uneasy feeling.

Waldar, even being alone is probably the safest. The shelter of the forrest provides him concealment from the shifting and prying eyes of the lower belly of Sharn.

Makom, Relic and Dronin find good company in the Temple of Dol Dorn. Though the accomadations are sparce, it is clean and warm.

Auruman and Nailo put the life of an adventurer on hold for the night as they drink, mingle and womanize. . . Auruman is gifting in the art of seduction, Nailo often excuses himself to the back to shift into another form in order to get the next girl's attention. The two are deadly with swords and the silver tongued lies that men use to get what they want from girls.

The night is very much alive in Sharn. The battles waged in the arena will be coming very soon. This air has captivated most of the surrounding district with talks of favored fighters, stories of the past and waggers for the present.

Unless the party does nothing else, the 5th day starts and Waldar is due to link up around 1500 that day.