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Thread: Flight 265 [IC] - Issue 1 - Awakenings

  1. - Top - End - #355
    Dwarf in the Playground

    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    Default Re: Flight 265 [IC] - Issue 1 - Awakenings

    Agent Andrews waited for a moment or two before following Daniel up the stairs - the man was visibly upset, and he knew better than to try and put too much on anyone. As everyone gathered in Daniel's room, Andrews slipped into the main living area and sat down on a stool, waiting for the others to return.

    When they finally did emerge, he began to speak - as promised - about yesterdays unfortunate incident. It was just a general update on matters - what had been done, the fact that two agents had been involved and had since... well, Andrews didn't elaborate on what had happened to them. Perhaps that was for the best.

    He left after that, leaving the survivors to their own devices for most of the evening. However, as the sun slowly dipped below the horizon, the phone rang once more....

    Sorry to take so long in getting this one out. I had trouble figuring out where exactly I wanted to move everyone, but we're soon going to meet one or two of the supervillans (finally!)
    Last edited by The_New_Guy; 2008-01-24 at 01:03 PM.
    *Insert something witty here*