
Irisian stops his mad run mid-stride, and turns to face the winged warrior who landed near him. "This one's mine!" he yells in the deep, booming voice he saves for combat. He focuses every inch of his body, drawing the shadow energy he was born with, channeling it through his muscular arm into his umbral blade. The blade flashes bright for a moment, and when the light fades, the black metal has a fine hue and a sharper blade. He brings his shield around in front of him and swings his sword in a high arc, bringing it down towards the raptoran as fast as he could. He makes two swings in quick succession, hoping that each will find its mark.

Attack 1:(1d20+20)[28]
Damage 1: (1d8+10)[12]
Attack 2: (1d20+15)[23]
Damage 2: (1d8+10)[16]

I know I might be a round ahead, but as Hemil, Ciel, and Tabatha have taken actions since my last one, I figure I will give this a shot. Do tell me if this should be deleted.