Sorry, Chuck beats Pun-Pun.

Lets just say that the two get in a fight. Let us even say, Pun-Pun gets the drop on Chuck, wins init and gets to go first, even though that can never happen, which I will explain later. Pun-Pun attacks, physically, with a special power or...what ever. First of, Pun-Pun, as good as he is, needs a natural 20 to hit. Pun-Pun has an attack approaching infinite, but since CN, Chuck Norris will now be refered to as CN and Pun-Pun as PP, has a dex of Infinite, his AC is infinitely high, so there is no way to hit him with out a natural 20. Since only a natural 20 is an automatic hit, even a 19+near infinite, is still less than infinite, so only the 20 hits. We'll even say, PP gets lucky and rolls another 20 to confirm the crit, I haven't read anything to say he can't be crit hit. PP, does near infinite damage, since his near infinite str, but that is still less that the infinite HP that CN has. Now, it is CN's turn, he travels back in time, by giving the space time continum a round house kick, appears in the air above PP, a couple of instances before PPgets his powers, and KILLS him with the punch the ground attack.


Oh, and since CN's dex is infinite, his init bonus is also infinite, so he can not loss init.

The shorter method is he goes first, instantly transports to right next to PP, and uses that Vorpal Crush, and since that still effects creature who are immune to crits, and would do infinite damage do to the inifinite str, PP is dead, again.

And do to his Master of All power, he can bring PP back to life, to do it again, and again, and again.

{Why did I read this thread....and Why am I taking CN's side...}

{I sorry Chuck, I meant no disrespect!!!!!! AHHHHHHH}