((Noted. In the future if I find that clarifying questions are not answered completely, visibly, and promptly I will make the least charitable assumptions possible and proceed.))

"Leddan, this is Maphid, not some random intruder," says one of the peasants targeted, lowering his weapon.
"Yeah, and he couldn't have come back if it weren't the will of -" begins another.
"Shut up," says Leddan, looking as though he recognizes the significance of the psionic hum all too well and glaring at the pair of visitors.
"But he's -" says the first suggested peasant.
"No, damn you both, I'm the foremost in the room and -" says Leddan, stopping short when another man whom Byron doesn't recognize sweeps into the chamber.
"What," he says in a booming voice, "is going on here?" He fixes Byron with a suspicious, forbidding stare.

((Pausing for any reaction from Byron and/or Zeke. Will post with the peasants' report to the new arrival soonish.))