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Thread: At Will Casting

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    Ettin in the Playground
    Yakk's Avatar

    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Default Re: At Will Casting

    Spells Known:
         0   1   2   3   4
    1    2   -   -   -   -
    2    3   -   -   -   -
    3    4   -   -   -   -
    4    5   -   -   -   -
    5    5   1   -   -   -
    6    5   2   -   -   -
    7    5   3   -   -   -
    8    5   4   -   -   -
    9    5   5   -   -   -
    10   5   5   1   -   -
    11   5   5   2   -   -
    12   5   5   3   -   -
    13   5   5   4   -   -
    14   5   5   5   -   -
    15   5   5   5   1   -
    16   5   5   5   2   -
    17   5   5   5   3   -
    18   5   5   5   4   -
    19   5   5   5   5   -
    20   5   5   5   5   1
    Caster level: class level/2, rounded up.

    1    Item of Power: +1
    2    Metamagic Burn, Metamagic Feat
    3    Item of Power: +2
    4    Item Creation Pool, Item Creation Feat
    5    New Spell Level
    6    Item of Power: +2, 2 spells
    7    Metamagic Feat
    8    Item of Power: +3
    9    Item Creation Feat
    10   New Spell Level
    11   Item of Power: +3, 3 spells
    12   Metamagic Feat
    13   Item of Power: +4
    14   Item Creation Feat
    15   New Spell Level
    16   Item of Power: +4, 4 spells
    17   Metamagic Feat
    18   Item of Power: +5
    19   Item Creation Feat
    20   New Spell Level
    Megamagic Burn: Can apply metamagic to a spell by taking damage. Take 1d6 damage for every level of the base spell, plus 1d6 damage for the total level of the spell you are metamagicing. Ie, if you Maximize fireball, you take 3d6+6d6 = 9d6 damage.

    Item of Power: Grants a bonus to caster level for a particular set of specific spells. Creating an item of power takes 1 week of work, and requires raw materials equal to your caster level*highest level of spell you can cast*100 gp. (or caster level*50 gp if you can only cast 0 level spells). Existing items of power automatically "level up" as you do: it is only when you retune, get a new, or replace an item of power that it costs gold. Each item of power requires one hand to wield, can be put away/equipped as part of another move action, and works on a single spell.

    Items of power can be recognized via a spellcraft check of DC 15. The spell they amplify can be recognized on a spellcraft check of DC 20+spell level+class level of the owner, +10 DC if you want to do it quickly from a 30' distance (+5 DC if only one of the two restrictions occurs).

    Metamagic Feat: Bonus metamagic feat.

    Item Creation Pool: Gain a pool of class level * 10 xp that can only be used to create magical items from your class list. These magical items are incomplete, and can only be used for yourself: however, an additional burn of 1/2 of the XP required to make them can fully activate them.

    Item Creation Feat: Bonus item creation feat.


    All instant spells that have a sustained effect are changed to spells with a duration of hours/level. The effect created is magical, and can be dispelled.

    While a spell you cast is active, you cannot recast it unless you have an Item of Power that boosts it: in which case, you can keep as many additional copies of that spell active as you have caster level boosts from your item of power.


    d6 HD, +3/4 BaB, strong will save. No armor proficiency. Is proficient 4 simple weapons at level 1, plus 1 at level 5, 10 15 and 20.

    Bonus spells known:
    Int  0   1   2   3   4
    12   -   -   -   -   -
    14   +1  -   -   -   -
    16   +2  -   -   -   -
    18   +2  +1  -   -   -
    20   +2  +2  -   -   -
    22   +2  +2  +1  -   -
    24   +2  +2  +2  -   -
    26   +2  +2  +2  +1  -
    28   +2  +2  +2  +2  -
    30   +2  +2  +2  +2  +1
    32   +2  +2  +2  +2  +2
    34   +3  +2  +2  +2  +2
    36   +3  +3  +2  +2  +2
    38   +3  +3  +3  +2  +2
    40   +3  +3  +3  +3  +2

    Spell resists are based off of Wisdom.

    Requires a Charisma of 10+spell level*2 to cast a spell of a particular level.

    4 skill points/level, uses class skill list of both sorcerer and wizard.
    Last edited by Yakk; 2008-02-13 at 11:02 AM.