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Thread: A Balancing Act

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    Solo's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Default Re: A Balancing Act

    Round 2: Ozymandias casts See Invisibility on himself. If necessary, I will roll a spot check for the invisible creatures.

    Round 3: Oxymandias casts Spell Turning on himself. I can now turn (1d4+6)[7] spell levels worth of spells. If necessary, I will again roll a spot check for the invisible creatures.

    In case SG is wondering, I am doing this in a Time Stop to get as much stuff done as possible so I can hit the enemy hard and fast.

    The Avoral come into play.



    At the end of my turn, let us assume I (or someone else) tells them of the situation through shouting.

    For simplicity's sake, we could delay their initiative to have them go at the same time, on my turn.

    If I see the two invisible creatures after I get my See Invisibility up, can I give a shout out to Gen as to where one of them is?
    Last edited by Solo; 2008-02-22 at 01:37 AM.