There's a lot of little things to learn around here. Just ask when problems arise, we'll help out as best we're able.

Also, if something happens to a roll, I usually redo 'em in the OOC threads.

@Darius: How're we gonna handle crits? I usually do the following:
Attack: (1d20+6)[26]
Crit?: (1d20+6)[24]
Damage: (1d8+2)[4]

And then multiply the damage roll by the weapon's modifier. Not the greatest way, sometimes, but it's quick and efficient and limits the amount of space needed for rolls... Otherwise, I suppose it'd look like this:

Attack: (1d20+6)[11]
Crit?: (1d20+6)[26]
Damage: (1d8+2)[10] plus (1d8+2)[4] if confirmed.

Or for a bow,
Attack: (1d20+6)[24]
Crit?: (1d20+6)[23]
Damage: (1d8+2)[6] plus (2d8+4)[15] if confirmed.

You get the idea...