It seems time to get a new avatar to reflect my current goings-on. So, I'd like a avatar to reflect my Cataclysm of Green project.

A savage male Jungle Goblin riding a Squolf and wielding a stone spear, wearing only a fur loincloth and a slash made from a vine (w/leaves). He should have a scar over one eye as if scratched by a wolf.

A jungle goblin is like a normal goblin except more savage (more like a small-sized orc) and built to climb trees.

A Squolf is a cross between a worg and a squirrel. Over-sized, muscular torso with a vicious wolf head, wicked curved claws and a bushy tail.

The pose is up to the artist, though the goblin should be riding bareback and riding into war across the trees.

Hopefully someone is up to the task
And yes, I always give credit to my artists. If you have any questions, please ask.