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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Jan 2008

    Default Re: Arena Tournament, Round 32: Chile II vs. Roberts

    Rematch Round 2

    Move to D2 while drawing my scroll and reading from it, then I discard the sheet of parchment.

    Sense Motive (1d20-1)[19]
    Just in case you're ballsy enough to try the same trick.


    I don't really care about the sense motive roll. If I did, I'd argue for a +20 modifier since I just saw the same trick. It'll be obvious in the next couple rounds whether or not he drank it. If he is trying to bluff me again, I just don't want any tip-off that I don't buy it.

    DC3 caster level check (1d20+1)[11] for 2nd level scroll

    HP: 5
    AC: 19 T:14 F:15
    DR 10/magic (vs ranged)
    Spells: 3,4
    Buffs: Mage Armor 2/600, Protection from Arrows 0/10dmg
    Position: D2, mounted

    edit: Done
    Last edited by chilepepper; 2008-03-01 at 03:11 PM.