Ezren exclaims in alarm as his companions run off into the woods. He jumps forward and attempts to grab Ryu's arm, but the trees seem to think otherwise. He bangs against the trunk of the tree blocking his path for at least 20 minutes. At last, he sits down hard. He looks around at the others who seem to have fought off the charm of the music, and realizes he must not show weakness. He stands walks over to the remaining loot, and places it in the saddlebags attached to the horse. He climbs onto the saddle, talking to the rest of the group as he does so.

We must find a way to save the others. The way I see it, any way is as good as any other. I vote for following the path of the men we were already following, and trying to kill two birds with one stone. I will ride in front, if any of you choose to follow.