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Thread: Homecomings

  1. - Top - End - #316
    Dwarf in the Playground
    Hades' Watchdog's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Cell B-5

    Default Re: Homecomings

    Onyx is commonly used in necromancy, usually to animate corpses.

    Salos smiles at Nas. "Sorry, this wasn't our kind of fight. Y'know, fair and all. And it pays to make absolutely sure that dead things won't jump up and attack you." He discharges his crossbow bolt high into the air. Istasa and Grant stroll on opposite sides of the carriage, both seeming more relaxed now that the danger is gone, and Kagiso walks quickly behind it.

    Salos expresses no preference regarding Bram's altitude. "The ground is flat enough that we can probably see things from a fair ways away in any case, and we didn't seem to require much preparation. You can do what you like, though."
    Last edited by Hades' Watchdog; 2008-03-03 at 08:32 PM.
    You are a wonderful person! I wish I could be like you.