Ep spots a number of places to throw a lasso to get the rope attached.

OOC: We'll use the same rules as for securing a grappling hook. There are many rocks, juts, etc, so just tell me how high up the wall you try to throw the lasso; this determines the DC. Max. height is 50' as per the Use Rope skill. You cannot take 10 or 20.

Elias finds no tracks of the sort Fisher described.

Quote Originally Posted by lawful_evil View Post

The little man looks up at the massive cliff, still more than 20 times his height. "I think that is a cave. Maybe we'll be able to throw up a lasso and get it to snag on a ledge or a rock. I don't weigh much, so it wouldn't need to be a very big rock. I could probably get up there, but it'd be better if I could make use of the rope while climbing." Epswitch takes a couple minutes to scan the area looking for a rock, ledge, or jut that we might be able to get the rope attached to or looped over from the ground.

(( Take 20 on spot ))