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Thread: In Service of Her Radiant Flame

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: In Service of Her Radiant Flame

    Robyn Gregory Dander

    His heart raced. It raced with fear. Fear of death. Just a few moment ago, he had woken up in a state unknown. Ample time to look around, to feel his bonds, to be reminded of his situation. He had been momentarily blinded by the light and had heard the voice. Opening his eyes once more, he had seen the figure. But the words had difficulty coming through. When he realised what had been said, his eyes widened. His heart started to race. "This can not be happening to me.." He uttered as his mind was filled with unbelief of his situation. How had it come to this?

    Fear was obvious from his face and he felt his body shiver. A tremble shook through and he slowly clenched his fist, as if that would do him some good. He felt powerless in a situation he had never wanted to be. Heresy? It could not be. Multiple? What was wrong? Execution? Afterlife?

    No.. this can not be happening.. "No.." He uttered, though it sounded like a whimper. He wanted to scream against the harsh, blinding white light, but more then an utter would not go from his lips. He wanted to break free of his chains, shouting out.. something.

    His mind was in a state of conflict, in a state of disbelief. He had always been a loyal follower of Her Radiant Flame. He had done nothing wrong. Yet, he was here. Here, to be executed. How can this be? And then, his mind found an answer. It must have been a mistake! But Her Radiant Flame made no mistakes. The guards, they must have made a mistake! Clinging to that belief, Robyn Gregory Dander found fear to be a sudden motivator. A motivator for behaviour that went against his normally peaceful attitude.

    He shook against his bonds, trying in vain to get lose. "No! I did nothing wrong! Let me out of here! A mistake was made! Please, by Her Radiant Flame, let me go! I did nothing wrong!" He shouted, moving and stirring, trying in vain to get lose. He could no longer think rational, with only fear to guide him. His eyes became more wet and a first tear lingered before it raced down across his cheek. This can not be happening to me..
    Last edited by Zweanslord; 2008-03-11 at 04:43 AM.