
Andrei blinked rapidly as his eyes adjusted to the change in lighting conditions. He hadn't fallen gracefully, and he picked himself up, dusting at his close. At his companion's scream, he looked around quickly, seeking the source of the disturbance. Looking down, he stared for a moment, then broke his silence.

Ah... Efficient. It must save a great deal of time and effort when it comes to disposal... Though the effect is rather... unpleasant when one is in the thick of it. He sighs a little, his face slightly disturbed. He was already thinking about what the purpose of this whole exercise might be, but he had an idea or two, and he found himself bouyed by the possibilities he imagined. He looked both ways down the tunnel, looking for the nearest numbered chutes on either side. However, I think it best that we begin moving immediately. As soon as he found which way the numbers increased, he set off ,trying not to think about the.... debris under his feet, or the grinding noises above.