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Thread: In Service of Her Radiant Flame

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Jul 2005
    The Netherlands

    Default Re: In Service of Her Radiant Flame

    Robyn Gregory Dander

    His eyes had been set full of hope ahead, towards the vent they had been instructed to go. He had paced along, trying to get all those awful thoughts inspired by the stuff-he-did-not-want-to-think-about below him out of his head. He had repeated the vent number as a mantra, muttering it each time, not wanting to forget it. He had seen the others coming along, but he was still more than creeped out by this whole event, so he stuck with his mantra. When he saw the two guards, he let out a sigh of relief. "Finally, somebody to help... us....?" What was an expression of relief turned into shock and horror as they drew their tiny weapons and started to fire swiftly. His eyes had followed one of the blasts and saw that what it left behind was something he did not dare to get in touch with. This is a mistake, I don't want to die after having escaped death! Surged through his mind. Acting upon that thought, he spoke up towards the guards, though his voice did not sound very steadfast at all. "No, wait, don't fire! There was a mistake and now we are being let out!" He raises up his arms and waves them to the guards, trying to indicate that they have to stop.
    Last edited by Zweanslord; 2008-03-13 at 08:18 AM.