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Thread: In Service of Her Radiant Flame

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    The Netherlands

    Default Re: In Service of Her Radiant Flame

    Robyn Gregory Dander

    Seeing as how his companions seem to react differently to the guards, with one attacking and the other moving to the vent, Robyn has some trouble with the situation. "Oh dear Flame, I hope we did not make things worse now.." He mutters to himself, looking at the current sending the fallen guard deeper away. Gulping, he decides to follow the lead of the one going through the vent, as that seems the wisest to do now.. He tries to move fast, but carefully, since he does not want to trip again and especially not be swept by any current towards the guards as they are. "Oh dear, oh dear.." He utters in a panicky voice, hoping dearly that no shots would be fired upon him.
    Last edited by Zweanslord; 2008-03-13 at 04:20 PM.