Mara Herbswife

Mara was at the construction site, taking a break, when Maria brought her the slip of bark. She was concerned by Maria's dazed expression and stumbling gait, but the huntress moved off too quickly for her to ask for more details. Picking up the bark, Mara read quickly, then blanched. For a stunned second she just stared at the writing, then she began to swear loudly and vehmently in Common, Dwarf, and Halfling. When her admittedly limited vocabulary ran out, she located Ovias, ignoring the shocked looks of those who were close enough to hear her uncharacteristic outburst, and handed him the bark.

"We're in trouble," she said flatly. "Lizardmen held Maria at spearpoint and gave her this. I need to find Maria and treat her for shock. If possible we all need to hear from her lips exactly what happened. Then we have to decide what to do about it. And by we, I mean all of us - everyone who survived the shipwreck. This concerns us all." Though Mara was still looking at Ovias as she spoke, she was mostly thinking out loud.

Turning on her heel, Mara retrieved something from the healer's kit, then followed the direction Maria had gone, a determined look on her face. Just before she left, anyone standing close would have heard her speak in a low, fierce tone. "I've worked too hard to keep everyone here alive. If we just hand over five of our people, it will be over my dead body."

Anyone who approached her as she searched for Maria was given a quick, blunt summary of the situation and asked to wait by the palisade construction site until everyone had gathered to discuss what should be done.