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Thread: Divinus Profile : The Awakening

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    Stormthorn's Avatar

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    Default Re: Divinus Profile : The Awakening

    OOC: me OOC or me IC, because OOC I'm only temperamental when I think people are trying to con ME (like saying "I'll just kill something you said I couldn't find" And why should I use a "more subtle" spy a "real normal shadow" when it was both more subtle, and a normal shadow, just one thats FROM THE PLANE OF SHADOWS.
    (Note, this is from a post of his that dissapeared mysteriously just off the Bermuda Triangle)

    Remember when i mentioned that where i come from people who con people get an eye for an eye. Well, i thought i was being conned. So i looked at
    "Not even a god could find this"((this was a paraphrase, BTW))
    and i said "Well, what would be an equaly heavy-handed way of stopping him? By having a non-god find it!"

    Thats why i did that. Also, something more powerful than a god isnt subtle. Replacing 'Unnoticed Minion #7574' with a spy that looks just like him is. Actualy, i planned on doing just that to you, eventualy, since you have so many demons.
    Last edited by Stormthorn; 2008-03-25 at 10:41 PM.