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Thread: Fallout: Van Buren (IC)

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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Sydney, Australia

    Default Re: Fallout: Van Buren (IC)


    As Cassie faints, he grabs onto her by reflex. What the hell was that? His eyes narrow, their best weapon was gone, and their main man that was supposed to protect them had been broken in little pieces of flesh.

    "Sh*t. This. Is. Not. Good."

    Dragging Cassie out of the elevator, he looks back at the others.

    "Everyone move OUT of this shaft, or else we're not going anywhere else anytime soon!"

    He's somewhat shaking. Pale. Then he looks at Torres.

    "Hey, Torres, handle Cassie for a second."

    He pauses, looking at everyone.

    "I don't know about any of you folks. But I'm not dying here. I don't think Cassie wants to die here. And I'd certainly like to think none of you wants to die either."

    With those words, he looks towards the three-ways of corridors, going against the right wall, peering in each of them in a strafe.

    "Somehow, I have a real bad feeling about that one..."

    He is pointing at the one Anderson just died in.
    Last edited by El_Frenchie; 2008-03-27 at 12:08 AM.
    A Revenant