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Thread: Fallout: Van Buren (IC)

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    Orc in the Playground

    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Default Re: Fallout: Van Buren (IC)

    James Torres

    He'd been in combat, and that didn't sound good. Still, there could be a chance. James's conscious wrestles with him about the soldiers fate but before he can make a decision Cassie starts to faint.

    James reaches towards Cassie, but Alexis gets there first. Just as well he thinks. He is very surprised however when Alexis passes her onto to him. He gently lowers her to the floor, pulls her out of the shaft and leans her against the wall.

    After lowering the woman, he glances nervously at the corridor where Anderson had died. Fear and shame war within him, but inside his head a small girl looks at him, and he knows what he has to do. Still, he couldn't endanger the others.

    "Stay here, I'm going to check it out. I won't go in further than necessary, but well you know...the gun." He finishes lamely, trying to cover his unlikely hope that the man lived.


    (1d10)[7] v per 7
    (1d100)[31] v stealth

    edit: James moves forward carefully trying to keep an eye out for anything moving, and gets as close as he needs to to make out the fallen soldier before stopping.
    Last edited by webgem; 2008-03-27 at 12:24 AM.