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Thread: Fallout: Van Buren (IC)

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    Pixie in the Playground

    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Default Re: Fallout: Van Buren (IC)

    "Oh man, let's just stop wasting time with those 'bots, alright? The guys above ground said they were leaving without us, and you want to stick around mucking with a bunch of tin cans? The more time we spend here, the more time it'll give for more security to find us; and let me be honest, I don't think I could take a grenade to the gut any more than you guys. ...Except maybe that rob- android over there. Hell, they don't even need to come out through that elevator you oh so handedly disabled."

    Max proceeded search the area for another exit; probably a hatch with a fire ladder or a staircase for times when the elevators would be inoperational; barring that, the search for a hidden mechanism to get the elevator started up!


    Perception (1d10)[10] vs. 8
    Last edited by reiswind; 2008-03-27 at 01:09 PM. Reason: color~