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Thread: Any Orc/Goblinoid Fans??

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Any Orc/Goblinoid Fans??


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    Quote of Some Kind by a member of the class!

    A general description of whatever the class is!

    How you would normally become a member of this prestige class.

    To qualify to become a Psychopath, a character must fulfill all the following criteria:
    Base Attack Bonus: +5
    Skills: Any Skill 5 Ranks
    Feats: Psychotic Mind [See bottom of Post], Improved Toughness or Toughness
    Special: Must of had some sort of episode upon taking the first level in this class showing his insanity.

    Class Skills
    Psychopath’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Climb (Str), Jump (Str), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Listen (Wis), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str)
    Skills Points at Each Level : 4 + Int Mod

    Hit Dice: d10

       BAB  Fort    Ref    Will  Abilities
    1. +1    +2     +0     +2    Psychotic Rage 1/Day, Psychosis
    2. +2    +3     +0     +3    Insane Rage, Psychotic Toughness
    3. +3    +3     +1     +3    Psychotic Rage 2/Day, Broken Mind
    4. +4    +4     +1     +4    Insane Rage, Paranoia
    5. +5    +4     +1     +4    Greater Psychotic Rage
    Weapon Proficiencies: The Psychopath gains no new weapon or armor proficiencies.

    Psychosis (Ex): Your Psychotic mind gets even worse and more of a mess. The save DC of the Psychotic mind feat increases to DC (12 + 1/2 HD + Class Levels) and if they fail, the spell (or Supernatural ability) fails and they are Stunned for 1 round.

    Psychotic Rage (Ex): Your tortured mind enables you and your body to fly into an psychotic frenzy. You become a machine of death striking with unlimited fury. When in Psychotic Rage you gain two of the following: +4 Str, +4 Con, +4 Dex bonus; and a +2 on Will Saves. However, in your fit of rage, you get careless and suffer a -2 penalty to AC. The rage lasts for a number of rounds equal to your (enhanced) Con Mod. Starting rage is a free action that must be done on your turn. When your rage ends, you become fatigued. At 1st Level you gain Psychotic Rage 1/Day and a 2nd use at 3rd Level.

    Insane Rage (Ex): Your rage becomes even more insane as your mind goes even deeper into psychosis. When you rage, you gain one of the following abilities. The ability always activates when you rage. Once an ability is chosen, it can not be changed. All abilities are Ex unless otherwise noted. You gain a second ability at 4th Level, but you can not choose the same one twice.

    Run Like the Wind!: While raging you start to move faster, and faster. You gain a +20ft bonus to your base land speed for the duration of the rage. This fast movement also makes you hard to hit, you gain a +2 Dodge bonus to AC. This ability functions in Light or Medium armor.

    Ha, Missed Me!: While raging your reflexes heighten as your able to dodge more things. You gain the Evasion ability and a +3 bonus to Reflex saves for the duration of the rage. This ability functions in Light or Medium armor.

    Tough as Nails: While raging your skin hardens and you simply shrug off pain. You gain DR 5/- and +2 Natural Armor for the duration of the rage. This ability functions in all types of armor.

    Iron Claws: While raging your hands and fingers elongate and the skin hardens around them becoming razor sharp. You gain 2 claw attacks which are primary natural weapons that deal 1d10 damage with a 20/x3 critical. The claws deal slashing and piercing damage and can be used as secondary natural weapons if using a manufactured weapon. The claws count as magic for overcoming DR; they also count as Light weapons for TWF. The claws last for the duration of the rage and can be used in all types of armor.

    Spazy: When you rage you spaz out, lashing out at everyone around you. When you begin and end a rage, you spaz hitting everyone adjacent to you. All the attacks use your highest BAB and use your primary weapon; only one attack is made against each creature. If your attack is successful, the creature must make a DC (10+Psycho Class Level+Str Mod) or be Dazed for 1 round. This ability functions when you start/end a rage and functions in all types of armor.

    Not Goin' Down: When you rage, your mind refuses to accept pain and twists your body's limits to allow it to fight longer despite wounds that would kill normal warriors. As long as your rage continues, you are not treated disabled a 0 Hp nor are you treated as dying from -1 to -9 Hp. Even if you are reduced to -10 hp, you can continue to fight normally until your rage ends or if you are reduced to -20hp, at which you will die. This ability does not prevent death from spell effects such as slay living or disintegrate.

    Bear Hug: When you rage you gain massive strength and have learned to use that strength to grapple your enemies and crush them. While raging you gain Improved Grapple and Improved Unarmed Strike for the duration of the rage. This functions in all types of armor.

    Heat of the Moment: When you rage your mind enters the heat of battle. Each blow leads to the next. Whenever you hit an enemy in melee, you gain a cumluative +1 to Damage Rolls and Critical Confirmation rolls for each successive attack. If you get a Critical Hit, you gain a cumluative +4 to Damage Rolls and Critical Confirmation. The bonuses applies to all attacks made. If you miss the bonus is halved, rounded down (+1 halved becomes +0). This lasts for the duration of the rage.

    Sadistic Glee*: Each swing of your weapon that connects sends waves of ecstasy through your psychotic mind. While drunk with the incredible pain that you have caused, mortal wounds seem like nicks and scratches. While you are raging, any damage you deal with melee (ranged weapons lack the intimacy to cause a psychotic reaction) weapons grants you a number of temporary hit points equal to 1/2 the damage dealt. You only can only gain temporary hit points once per round on your first hit. These temporary hit points last until your rage ends or the encounter ends, whichever comes first. For example, Level20Commoner is a 2nd level Psychopath and has just activated his Psychotic Rage. The deadly arc of his jagged greataxe rips into the tender flesh of his ogre mage opponent, dealing 20 damage in total. The sight (and perhaps the taste) of the pain he has just inflicted on the ogre mage causes Level20Commoner's mind to reel with Sadistic Glee, granting him 10 temporary hit points. These temporary hit points last until Level20Commoner's rage ends, or the ogre mage falls, whichever comes first.
    *Written by Level20Commoner

    Psychotic Toughness (Ex): Your twisted mind allows you to ignore pain and fight longer than a normal man. You gain Diehard as a bonus feat even if you do not meet the prereqs.

    Broken Mind (Ex): Your mind finally breaks and becomes truly a jumble of random thoughts and impulses that at times even have no meaning to you. As this happens, you become Immune to all Mind-effecting spells and abilities.

    Paranoia (Ex): Anyone and Everyone is watching. Someone is out to get you. That guy around the corner may jump you. That allyway there's a wizard going to blast you. You must always be alert and watching. You gain Uncanny Dodge and Alertness as a bonus feat.

    Greater Psychotic Rage (Ex): The pinnicle of psychotic fury, your mind finally unlocks your psychotic power. Your thoughts essentially explode and become violent impulses. You gain a +8 Str and a +6 to either Con or Dex; +4 Will Saves and -3 AC. While raging you strike about with all of your body trying to cause damage. Your unarmed strikes are now considered armed and do 1d6+Str Damage with a 20/x3 critical; if you have the Iron Claws rage ability, you manifest your claws instead but they deal 1d12 damage. Your rage causes your mind and body to spaz, allowing you to hit faster. You gain one additional unarmed attack at your highest BAB per round, but all the attacks made suffer a -3 penalty. Lastly, in this state of mind, your thoughts are so violent that they can even attack people trying to gain access to your mind. Anyone who targets you with a thought detection, mind control, or telepathic ability makes direct contact with its tortured mind and takes 1d4 points of Wisdom damage when you are raging. All the bonuses supercede the ones from Psychotic Rage and have the same restrictions and lasts for 3 + (enhanced) Con Mod Rounds. At the end of the rage you become exhausted and take 5d6 Non-Leathal Damage.

    You're unpredictable. You're mentally insane and psychotic, or at least you have your episodes. Most psychopaths have varying degrees of psychosis. Some are always off the deep end while others experience episodes where they burst into a furious frenzy.
    Combat: You rage and let your psychosis and insanity take over. You barely reconized friend from foe and are likely to take huge risks.
    Advancement: The only advancement is your condition either gets worse, or doesn't.
    Resources: Sometimes you're an outcast, sent away for your insanity. Other times you have friends who care for you and can help you.

    "There's something wrong with that damn goblin. He's crazy man!"
    Most people view you with mixed emotions. Some feel sad for you. Most don't like you fearing an another episode of insanity.
    Daily Life: It depends on the degree of your insanity. Some can go about normal life except always having to fear an episode. Others are always insane and thus lead a chaotic life of random events.
    Notables: Make up some cool information about notable figures in the history of your class. It's best to give a little information from one of the good alignment and evil alignment (unless it's a good or evil only class).
    Organizations: The only organization for psychopaths is an asylum. The men in the white coats will be here shortly.

    NPC Reaction
    Once again, depending on the degree of insanity, people will react differently. However, most people learning that your insane/psychotic will distance themselves from you and always keep their eye on you. Most will not let you in their homes or close to them. They all fear an episode or outbreak and they don't want to be on the receiving end of one.

    This is a good place to provide a quick note on how your class will effect game play statistically.
    Adaptation: This is a place where you put in detail how people can adapt your class into their campaign setting.
    Encounters: This is a place to describe what sort of encounters PC's will have with NPC versions of your class.

    Sample Encounter
    EL x: Level20Commoner was just your normal bar tender at first, but he had something about him that just made him different. First his bar, The d20, has risen to being the most popular bar in town. So much that Level20Commoner became somewhat wealthy. At first to save money, he was his own bouncer, learning how to use the battle axe to break up bar fights. He became one tough bar tender. Eventually he started to go off the deep end becoming more random and seemingly insane at times. Patrons sometimes found their food or drink with weird altercations, whether it was just different ingredients or...something else. Then one day he snapped. It was during the late night shift and a bar fight broke out and he was hit. He burst into a fury and killed both the half-orcs. After coming to his senses he realized what he did and proceded to hide the evidence. No one but him knew what happened that night and to this day no one does. Although sometimes he has to shut down his bar for a day or two for seemingly unknown reasons and sometimes you can hear the breaking of objects and shattering of glass and come in the next day and find signs of his destruction. The PC's could be in the bar when Level20Commoner experiences an episode or be hired to investigate the "disappearences" of a couple people that were on the receiving end of Level20Commoner's rage.

    CN/Male/Human/Commoner 20/Psychopath 5
    Init +1, Senses: Listen +6, Spot +6,
    Languages Common, Elven
    AC 13 (+2 Dex, +1 Ring of Protection), touch 13, flat-footed 11
    AC 12 (+2 Dex, +1 Ring of Protection, -3 Rage, +2 Nat. Armor) touch 10 flat-footed 10
    hp 115 (190 Raging) (20d4 +5d10 +75 HD)
    Fort +12 (+15 Rage), Ref +8, Will +11 (+15 Rage)
    Speed 30ft. (6 squares)
    Melee +18 +1 Vicious Battle Axe (1d8+3 20/x3 +2d6) or +18/+13/+8 +1 Vicious Battle Axe (1d8+3 20/x3 +2d6)
    Melee (Rage) +22 +1 Vicious Battle Axe (1d8+11 20/x3 +2d6) or +20 Unarmed (1d6+5 20/x3) or +22/+17/+12 +1 Vicious Battle Axe (1d8+11 20/x3 +2d6) or +19/+14/+9 +1 Vicious Battle Axe (1d8+11 20/x3 +2d6) and +17 Unarmed (1d6+5 20/x3)
    Base Atk +15/+10/+5, Grp +16
    Atk Options Greater Psychotic Rage 2/Day, Power Attack, Cleave
    Combat Gear Potion of CSW
    Abilities Str 12, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 10
    SQ Psychosis, Paranoia, Broken Mind, Psychotic Toughness, Insane Rage (Tough as Nails: DR 5/- and +2 Nat. Armor Raging) Insane Rage (Sadistic Glee)
    Feats Psychotic Mind, Improved Toughness, Skill Focus (Prof: Bar Tender), Skill Focus (Prof: Chef), Martial Weapon (Battle Axe), Weapon Focus (Battle Axe), Power Attack, Self-Sufficient, Cleave, Diehard
    Skills Handle Animal +9, Profession (Farmer) +32, Profession (Chef) +24 Use Rope +9
    Possessions +1 Vicious Battle Axe, Ring of Protection +1, Potion of CSW


    Psychotic Mind [General Feat]
    Prereqs: --
    Benefits: You're mind is a jumbled mess of thoughts and complete madness. You're crazy and you like it. Any one trying to read your mind or detect your thoughts must succeed on a DC (12 + 1/2 HD) Will Save or be dazed for 1 round and the spell fails to detect your thoughts.
    Last edited by watsyurname529; 2008-03-31 at 07:33 PM.