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Thread: Adventurers' Guild Team Adder IC

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    Bugbear in the Playground
    DavidByron's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Default In the guildhall library

    Matthew is already in the library finishing up on some "Wizard stuff". Assuming someone brings him up to date on things he says,

    Well I think if Verona and Klesha want to come with us that would be fine. They are clearly resourceful and highly intelligent individuals and their knowledge could be very useful. I can understand if they'd want to see this through... but I have to say... it might be best if they sought out their parents, family or any other relatives. That's the best thing for starting to recover from this sort of experience.

    But that choice should be theirs: as members of a cult they are not used to making their own decisions and it will be good for them.

    He thinks, They must have been just kids when they were taken. I wonder if their parents are still searching for them both.

    We'll be heading off to Midford and then Fishleap on foot tomorrow so they'll have tonight to sleep on it. If where they grew up is out East or North they could accompany us until we part ways.

    Here Fi, meet the rest of the team.
    This is Vlax
    Last edited by DavidByron; 2008-03-28 at 09:53 AM.