A small girl with blond hair carrying a big duffel bag of stuff, slowly makes her way up to the open doors. She is wearing a in a long trench coat and a cowboy hat, and can’t be more than 5 feet tall or 100 lbs. “Heard you got yourself a need for some helping hands. At least that’s what the ad said. Of course, the specifics of the types of jobs that were going to be performed weren’t exactly clear. Care to elaborate?” After the likely explanation of simply protecting cargo, the girl replies, “Sounds easy nuff. I could use a nice relaxing break.” She then plants the bag on the ground and extends her hand, before saying “Natalie Crowe. Nice to meet you.”

After filling out all the paperwork necessary, she asks where she will be staying and then makes her way to her room. She slowly unpacks her things and tries to make the room her own, but soon heads out with the job half finished, deciding to familiarize herself with the layout of the ship first. If she runs into anyone, she greets then with a warm welcome and introduces herself in a similar manner to the captain.