Quote Originally Posted by watsyurname529 View Post

The thing on Psychotic Toughness is that came before the "Not goin' Down" rage ability. Also, Diehard let's you take one standard/move action while in negative and if you take a standard action, you take 1 hp damage and if you reach -10, you die. "Not goin' down" allows you to go to -10 with no penalty. I think I'll add some bonuses to saves showing their enhanced resilience. Or do you think it would be better to change Psychotic Toughness to add something different, like Nat. Armor, DR, SR, bonus to saves, etc.?

Edit: I improved all the Insane Rage abilities a bit. I also added two more, "Heat of the Moment" and "Sadistic Glee" which was by Level20Commoner. I changed it slightly to say you can only gain the temporary hit points once per round but at 1/2 damage dealt.
While I wholly approve of the substitution of my handle for the name of the psychotic barbarian, you forgot to replace one instance of 'Sula' with 'Level20Commoner'. Also, I should have clarified what I meant by 'pretty weak'. While most of your 'insane rage' abilities are useful in and of themselves, they do not help a melee-type character fulfill his purpose in life, which, if I may be so blunt, is hackin' and heavin'. My clarification notwithstanding, your edit to 'Run like the Wind' makes it a viable option now. As for the nuances of 'Die Hard' vs. 'Psychotic Toughness', I say just open your copy of Complete Warrior, copy and paste the 'Deathless Frenzy' ability of the Frenzied Berserker under the 'Not goin Down' ability and be done with it. This just occurred to me, it would be kewl if you could put the allip ability: "Madness (Su) Anyone targeting an allip with a thought detection, mind control, or telepathic ability makes direct contact with its tortured mind and takes 1d4 points of Wisdom damage." into your PRC somehow. Before I forget, I should say how much I have enjoyed reading this Prc. Excellent work.