
Gil leans against a tree focusing on the conversation taking place. Removing his left boot he dumps out the remaining bits of sand; he kneels down to put it back on before fitting the kukri back around the strap. Wiping the dust from his hands he walks back to the crew, "While I agree that we should attack them together, I think it may be best to do it under the cover of night. I don't know too much about Kobolds; however, I do know it's easier to make the size of our troupe appear larger in the moonlight. Also, nothing hurts worse than the element of surprise. It may be too hard to attack in the light. Plus, we don't know how long they will make this island their port. I say we get the ship tonight, find out what supplies we will need on board, then prepare ourselves for the venture home."

Feeling a bit foolish on his opinion, Gil returns to leaning on a tree and crossing his arms across his chest. Either I'll have all their support... or I may be deserted on this island come morning...

He gives a quick look to Simone, "By the way, can I get that rapier back now. It'd be a bit more comforting to have a larger weapon at my side."