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Thread: Tag Test Game!

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    Dwarf in the Playground
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    in the space between

    Default Re: Tag Test Game!

    Skaveress grins wide, showing a row of wickedly sharp teeth. You doubt it pixil? he says, although inside, he wasn't that sure. Many a time had foiled the little pixie his tracking skills. As always, the little sprite started upwind... he thinks, He's far too clever to allow me to follow his smell. His smile disappearing, the Astral stalker puts a crude blindfold with an eye painted in the middle.

    Ready or not, here I go! he says, setting in motion. He stops where the pixie disappeared, and he seems to smell the air, but also to see beyond and through his blindlfold.

    Skaveress tracks Pixil to the spot where he D-Doored (I assume he disappeared before the 5-foot step) Survival: (1d20+31)[33]--> should this be an opposed roll with your survival to avoid being tracked or something?

    It would make a good houserule: Use opposed survival to avoid being tracked. If the result of your check is lower than the standard DC, use the standard DC instead.

    He then moves to the spot where Pixil disappeared and tries to track his teleport (Astral tracking feat, DC30, he passes automatically)

    That would count as his actions for the round.

    So, there you went... he mutters
    Last edited by elkhantar; 2008-04-21 at 11:24 AM.
    a dagger in the dark is worth a thousand swords at dawn