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Thread: Tag Test Game!

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    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Tag Test Game!

    The Astral Stalker opens wide his claws and roars at the shadow that rises behind his back... only to find that it was another trick of the mischievous fey. He chuckles and concentrates on the correct track. You know I'm quite fast when I want! he replies, enjoying the game.

    Actually, the blindfold Skaveress put on last turn is a blindfold of true darkness, so he ignores concealment and invisibility in a 60' radius. I guess that both by smell and blindsight he could tell the Shadow wasn't pixil, but he doesn't like surprises, so I'd say he was initially surprised at the very least. That should use his standard action for the round.

    Ok, now trying something more difficult. Tracking at full speed(+10), small target(+1), teleporting(DC30)... that would increase the DC to 41 which I can fail.
    survival (1d20+31)[45]

    Then, as move action, shadow jaunt 50ft, and as a swift action, (burning the sudden leap maneuver and taking 10) 70 ft. Only 120ft, you're getting away!

    Claws of the father! the little fey is fast! he thinks as he hurries to chase after Pixil. Hey, look, I was paying attention in your class! he jokes, using one of the tricks Pixil taught him. The Astral Stalker seems to blend in the shadows and re-appear far away, with a similar technique than the one used by the fey, but a much shorter distance. He then jumps at an incredible speed, landing more than 10 yards away.
    Last edited by elkhantar; 2008-04-21 at 12:04 PM.
    a dagger in the dark is worth a thousand swords at dawn