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Thread: Tag Test Game!

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    Dwarf in the Playground
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    in the space between

    Default Re: Tag Test Game!

    The astral stalker laughs out loud when he hears the pixie so far away. No way I can move so fast! he reckons, bowing.

    I need to get to the spot where you teleported, so Skavress will, in fact, move away before closing in back again, and this time at his standard speed of 70 feet.

    When he reaches the spot where Pixil teleported, Skaveress chuckles again when he notices how far the pixie is. I'm still not as good as you in the shadow stepping thing! he says, disappearing into a shadow and appearing quite far, but not nearly as far as Pixil.

    Shadow jaunt 600 feet, and Skaveress can only do it once a day nope, I can't keep up with that the students are gonna have one hell of a time to catch you!

    Skaveress may "touch" you if you land close enough (140 ft from his position, 210 if he has had time to recover his jump maneuver) but otherwise you are safe.
    Last edited by elkhantar; 2008-04-21 at 12:55 PM.
    a dagger in the dark is worth a thousand swords at dawn