Quote Originally Posted by Oracle_Hunter View Post
Also: Celesto is nauseated by vomit, but not by exploding people?
~ Error 0203: Characters routinely exposed to Ludicrous Gibs should not be seriously affected by far lesser stimuli.

Explanatory Rant
... and yes, I know this was an attempt to make Celesto more interesting by having an apparently contradictory flaw (which is a trope, but I can't find it right now!) but that only works if said contradictory flaw can be rationalized. So, a murderous thug who kills the devout exclusively but secretly maintains a private confessor is OK if you elaborate that the thug suffers from intense spiritual dissatisfaction and thus kills those who are spiritually satisfied in revenge.

If the same guy killed dogs all the time with a burning hatred, but raised and loved puppies, you would just say he is totally insane.
I completely overlooked that. Mookie really should have put that at the end, because it actually would have made a pretty funny punchline.

Obligatory alternate interpretation:
Celesto's actual line is "I'd rather not be around when you get sick. Again. That sort of thing makes me queasy." He's not referring to vomiting outright, but rather to Dominic getting sick. What he's really saying is as follows: "People like you, who claim to be saving the world but in reality have no stomach to do what must be done, make me sick."