
Upon hearing the farmer identify the Baron: "I thought as much. We're working for ir'Kusk too, actually. Not as farmers, as you can probably guess. Had to make sure you were talking about him and not this... evil twin he seems to have in the area, name of Moss." Ajaba, come to think of it, is not privy to this information, so Aesop addresses this next to him as well as to the farmer: "Sent a bunch of highwaymen out to hassle us a while back, but they're not hassling anyone anymore. You'd be best off following where we can protect you in case he sends some more. Most likely some robber baron who thinks having enough thugs do his bidding makes him a noble, but I could be wrong." Aesop takes a second to think about anything he might have heard regarding a Baron Moss (OOG: Bardic Knowledge. Don't know why I didn't do this before). If he can think of anything, he tells everyone.

Later, Aesop helps move the farmers' salvaged goods onto their wagon train, unless Orestes can fix the wagon wheel, in which case he attempts to help get their wagon ready to go again.