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Thread: Pink of Doom (IC)

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    Barbarian in the Playground
    harmonictempest's Avatar

    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Fairfax, VA

    Default Re: Pink of Doom (IC)


    Thinking on the possibilities for a moment, the elf concludes with authority. "Let's cut the rope as well, since it seems to provide motive power for what appears to be an electricity engine. I cannot fathom what hidden purpose the copper thread may yet have, however. If we can, let's see if we can pivot the capstone to the side without breaking or disturbing it." If others agree, he instructs the elemental to aid them in moving the stone, stepping behind the main group so as not to obscure their efforts (which is exactly what he'd say if you challenged him for moving out of harm's way).
    Two rounds left on elemental.
    Strength check for elemental: (1d20+3)[20]
    Last edited by harmonictempest; 2008-04-22 at 10:42 PM.
    Notice: Weekends are unpredictable for me. Weekdays are not. Expect more consistent activity then.

    Used to DM: Unlikely Comrades, A New Chance (OoC)
    Used to play: The Legend of Ashardalon, Tudor Mansion

    PbP registration entry, last edited 8/17/09 (do have a look if I'm applying for your game)

    Always interested in playtesting new/variant/homebrew rules. :-)