
Altair was into his second biscuit when he hears the call to arms, he quickly bolts for the door along with the others. While running to the gates, he grabs the crossbow off his back and swiftly loads it. Spilling blood certainly wasn't his idea of a good time, but like hell as he about to let anyone in the city get hurt.

"I was witness to an attack like this when I was young." the bard says once he reaches the gates, "It was stopped by a single man, not unlike those of us who stand here right now. Only when he stopped the attackers, he only had some fishing line and a rusted sword. With us as defenders, we should suffer nary a scratch!"

Altair will stop next to Rasta, then use his Inspire Courage on his allies.

So thats +1 morale bonus to all attack and damage rolls, so remember to factor that in, guys.