Vakira, in Zenn

Appalled by the efforts of Vaera and the newly-fallen god, Vakira appears in Zenn. He steps out of a great orange cactus and for the first time in ages, he is wearing his beastly form: unclothed and on all fours, with a great mane of wispy mist. His footsteps herald his coming as the sand beneath his feet changes to water. In the center, he howls madly, dangerously, and the skies begin to darken over the desert, filling with rain and lightning.

He leaves as unhappily as he came, stalking slowly through the Rootway as he steps into his human shape again.

Vakira's Children

Centuries after the creation of the Sanctuaries, and now tenfold more exist on this new world. Vakira descends to each in turn, and while many are empty and still unclaimed, several hundred have become attuned to various creatures. Each of these creatures is ultimately mortal, but they hold in them the potential for great power. With some talking, he begins to convince those empowered by the Sanctuaries--a group who has taken to calling themselves the Worldblooded--to join him. He offers them succor in the paradise of Arcadia in exchange for their service as his first mortal priesthood. In gruging remembrance of his promise to the dead Void God, however, he does not order this: he offers each a position, but the Sanctuaries remain, ultimately, for the betterment of mortals.

Nearly two-thousand various mortal creatures stumble through the Rootway for the first time and the Thousand God Bureaucracy rejoices their coming.

Vakira, in the Great Northern Banyan

Vakira notices Grex's Will for the first time: in the rush of his work in settling the New World--which would be needing a name very soon--he was overtaxed. The divinus of nature examines the will carefully...