The stone dvarf remains in it's warriors pose, bracing the large maul in front of it's short frame. It's glimmering eyes look over Vesha's shoulder to include the group.

"The sorcery must be broken or undone, and the rites that bind it in place must be destroyed. You will need to discover how the magics were performed - either from the sorcerors themselves... or from another who has power of that sort.
The former are cursed wanderers with no love of life and no reason to aid you.
The latter are so few that... that the only two I have ever known are bound into the cavern below and will be no help.
If you do not know of a great sage or ancient source of knowledge we will have to find one.

Once you have this knowledge, you can gather the strength to break the sorcery.
The crests of the Peoples are powerful things, linked to the life of the tribes, the wisdom of their ancestors and the hope of their children. You carry two, and a third is within your grasp. If you had four then you would possess the power to summon the aid of the tribes and destroy the rites.