Timon dismounts outside the building, a slightly bemused look on his well tanned face. He makes sure his lance and bags are securely tied to his saddle bags and then, patting his light warhorse Gildren down and ordering him to guard, moves toward the building secure in the knowledge that his horse will protect itself and his bags well.

He removes his helmet revealing short cropped golden blond hair and a sharp aristocratic face with startling blue eyes. He sits the helmet under his arm, then draws out the note, Well, it says to come to this building, there is no mistake. Curiouser and curiouser...

He hesitates a moment, considering going in armed and ready to fight. After a moment he shakes his head, No, I will not show fear. If they wished to harm me these people could have easily done it at my home, they had no reason to draw me here.

Never-the-less he loosens his Longsword in its sheathe before moving to the building. The Knight then knocks on the door and, having been told to enter, goes in.