To Jonny, Ian, Des, and Trent:
While you are all talking, you hear a faint scraping noise coming from around the corner. It comes in short segments but it is definitely movement. It comes from the direction Ian and Trent were coming from originally; just on a different street.

To John:
You can make out their voices but not too distinctly. What little you can distinguish are the words "infected" and "gunshots". Also, as you're leaving the gas station you catch a brief glint on the concrete. You find, what's left, of a Police Officer's belt. There's not much to scavenge; although, you find a set of handcuffs and one clip of 7 9mm rounds.

To David:
You're about midway up the City Hall fire escape when you hear several voices. From the ladder you can make out about four figures, all of them seem to be male. While listening to their conversation, you hear a slight, repetitive scraping noise coming from across the street.

To Sam:
Taking cover inside the grocery store, you peer outside to get a better look. There's not much you can see from this distance. City Hall isn't too far from here and that's where the gunshot was heard. It's also been awhile since you heard back from the Sheriff.