Elkwin - The Catacombs

An ice cold shiver runs up his spine, as Elkwin notices the dark substance growing. He jumps up, runs over to the pile that once was the contents of his backpack and grabs two of the tabbards. Closeing the Journal carefully, he puts it on top one of them and then starts to wrap the cloth around it. Slowly at first, then faster as the layers of cloth get thicker and thicker. Elkwin shoves the book into the backpack and starts to enwrap the sword in the same manner. It is however far to long for the pack, so he just sticks it in, blade first, and ties the latch around it to hold it in place.

Finally he jumps up, grabs one of the burning torches and joins up with Marv, who was impatiently shifting his weight from one foot to the other while he didn't move away his eyes from the puddle.

"Done... Let's get out!"

After Marv slips out the doorway, Elkwin turns back one last time to have a look at the girl. Staring at her for a brief moment, he is lost for any last words. Then his eyes dart over towards the puddle as he notices a pitch black human like shape forming out of it. He finally decides that he shouldn't waste any more time, turns around and runs after Marv.

Quick reminder - I'm on holiday till 13th - see you guys in a week