Focsle = Forecastle, right? Perfect. Is there another term for poop deck? Aftcastle?

I agree, Lateen rig is more of what I'm looking for than a square sail. (after I looked up what it meant).

2-3mph with oars plus 2-3mph with sail sounds good, as this boat/ship is built for speed.

And looking up clinker v. carvel I don't think I'll even worry about that distinction. Marko can talk about it if he likes. The same with any other small details.

Perhaps someone would even like to do some artwork of the Adventurer's Guild naval assets.

'Twould be nice if Ulysses would post soon, but no need for other folks to wait on him. Let's try to get a quick consensus on where to go next, Khorinis or Bridgeport.

My impression of Durx' healing the two horsemen and Finde was that you wanted them stable but not fit to fight again, so you can assume they're disabled, as well as bound and gagged.