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Thread: Star Wars D20 - Freelancer(IC) Act 2

  1. - Top - End - #54
    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Star Wars D20 - Freelancer(IC) Act 2

    These are the finest specimens of the Klomidean variety. Widely heralded as the finest of the slime worms. I have a total of 3 kilos of them that are available. How interested are you?
    Flick offers the worms up for inspection and begins the bartering process.
    Diplomacy for barter - (1d20+10)[27]
    His mind is still on the salt and his old acquittance Sebat. He'd love to get his hands on that much salt through off the books means. He quickly turns to the group of salt vendors.
    If you are still looking to get rid of that salt in an hour meet me in the cantina and we can discuss a possible buyer over a drink.
    Not sure if this is needed or not. If not ignore.
    Diplomacy to change party's attitude towards Flick - (1d20+10)[27]

    Flick turns his attention back to the Duros vendor and awaits her response.
    Last edited by LarsWester; 2008-05-10 at 05:18 PM.