((OOC Thread))

All of you had received the urgent letter.

Dear Adventurer,
I have heard of your deeds. You seem to be the right person for my job. Please come to Oakhurst- I will provide food and lodging while we discuss the matter.
-Kerowyn Hercule

For whatever reason you had you pursued Kerowyn, traveling to this town of Oakhurst. You arrive just a few days before the Summer solstice, and the heat is starting to build up. You can see peasants counting their coins in the street, some pooling together money, they are planning on buying something important. A women dressed in fine robes, accompanied by a few guards, moves towards you smiling.
"I am Kerowyn," she says, greeting you all. "If you would just come this way I will bring you to my office to discuss the reason I have brought you here."

So here we begin! So we have a few ways to go about this- Detailed conversation or just a character monologue- your choice.