You are all familiar with the city of Union. Having been here before. But there is something different about it this time. Your innate senses our screaming at you. Warning you of imminent danger. All the residence seem distraught at the sight of you. They all stop what you they are doing and quickly move out of your way. It is as if they are all afraid of you,for some unknown reason. Even the Union Sentinels,the main law enforcement,seem a bit edgy. There are hushed whispers,among the Union Sentinels. Your characters can make out these words. This is a bad omen and that the streets are going to be filled with blood. You are all standing at the front gate. Waitng for your contact Agnimia. She has personally contacted all of you. ---Suddenly Agnimia appears before you. She stands 4'7" tall. Her straight black hair is pulled back in a single thick braid down her back. She wears a pair of well wornriding gloves,anAdamantine breastplate and two enruned swords on her belt. The Human ranger speaks up. We must hurry to the Island View Inn.You are all in grave danger As you enter the Inn, it is empty except for two lone figures. Now the players introduce themselves as they see fit.