Sylph's eyes smiled a little bit, and he let out a hard dry laugh, filling the air with his rich tenor. After a few moments he stopped, gathering himself together again, enjoying the fact that his opponents were powerful, strong, dangerous, and probably outnumbered him quite a bit. It would be a challenge, and challenges were always worth it in the end. Especially since he'd be avenging the murder of his entire clan, his entire town, in essence, the murdering of his entire life that could have been. He had no real relatives, no true family to call his own. Not that he was aware of at least.

"Good to know. Means that when I destroy them they'll have lost something. Their empire, their power, their very existence. Pain that I've felt will be revisited upon them tenfold."

And with that he quieted. He had no need to say anything else, although every few minutes he'd start laughing again, as though partially insane, laughing at the idea of what lay before him. Relishing it, enjoying it, wanting it. Not because he was insane, but because finally he had an image to associate with the name of the beasts which murdered his family. He would have stayed quiet, not feeling the need to say anything else had he not realized that he didn't know anything about where to find these Cernin Guard were.

"Er... sorry to bother you again but, is there any chance to happen to know a good way to get to the Cernin Guard? I believe they're owed something by me, and I just realized I have no means to reach them."