"Tell me, do you shoot cockroaches with a gun? No. If these people had been weaker, than their would be far less violence, for the murderer," Alrikar pauses, then adds a 's' sound, "would not of needed to bring out fire weapons, nor would it have had to shoot these people so many times. If they had been stronger, even more violent measures would of been needed. Perhaps you think that there was more than one attacker, in which case perhaps you aren't such an imbecile after all, but in order to immolate somebody, you must, as an individual, have a great deal of power. Such a person would only be held back by the 'aid' of lesser people, and if there had been multiple attackers capable of doing such damage, well, this place wouldn't be so messy. I believe that my 's' earlier was erroneous, this was a crazed, but powerful individual taking on a group by himself. A terrorist of some kind"