and then Seth and Matias came back to the camp with their new friend Monnyak. They introduced their new friend to Ista, Jayanti, and Remo, who liked him very much. Ista and Remo made Monnyak a cake to welcome him to the party, and everyone was very happy. Everyone told stories about their lives and made special care to give extra time to Monnyak, since he spoke slowly. They would have spent all night happily talking, except that they knew they had to ride to Ctesiphon the next day, so they did the responsible thing and went to bed early. "And besides, we're crazy responsible" said Ista, and they all went to bed.

Sorry, too much DMing in my past. I thought things needed a little kick to get moving again.

Obviously, when I say everyone went to bed, I'm not including whoever is on watch.