"Hah, now where's the fun in that? Ya wouldn't be half as distract-

Oi, no fair."
Yuuki's quick to throw the Asplund away from the cannon, and for once manages to save the mech from a direct hit. However, he's not quick enough to clear the shockwave, and shrapnel of the blast scar the armour and make the Asp stumble. The cockpit is filled with red warning messages and an annoying beep. Then the command to pull back is given.

Yuuki grits his teeth for a long moment as he stares at the Gorgon. "...Roger that. Kobayashi, withdrawin'," he says into the microphone. "Hey, Yankee-kun, ya heard that? The name's Kobayashi. Next time," he says and yanks the Asp away with speed that audibly strains the heavily damaged machine.