(Soundtrack here)

Genira shakes her head, and starts to move forwards, then stops as Miharu intervenes. She smiles, coughing a bit. "*cough* Thats correct, Nishi, all of them should be interrogated - they might be able to tell us more about the movements of the rebels; I doubt they acted alone. Probably more appropriate for some of our skilled friends in Hidden Mist be the ones to question them."

She quirks a smile, rubbing her throat as she turns to Tetsuo. "I'm sure they'll be executed in turn, anyway. As to your question, Choichoro and Sagata were my old teammates who betrayed me, our team, and even the village - they murdered Tsukiko, the leader of our team, and and then fled to the side of the rebels, revealing our plans. We've been looking for them since the end of the Second Civil War ended, along with all of the other surviving rebels. As to why they're here, I think I have a idea...our contact here who sent us word of the escape of the "samurai" was one of Soma's men, Kazima. It must have been a intentional misdirection, perhaps under threat, after Soma was assassinated by Sagata - they must have sent word of a easy mission such as escaped samurai in order to get one of the other teams assigned to it that way they could kill or capture them."

The jounin laughs. "They probably didn't know one of Soma's reports was due to us in those couple days, and he's never been late. And they weren't expecting a team like yours - you're probably one of the strongest newly assembled teams I've ever seen or heard records of. All of you made your clans proud in one way or another."

She coughs again, still with a amused expression on her face. "This was meant to be your first test, but it didn't go as planned - but you all exceeded the expectations we had set. Now, our first priority are to get these traitors" The woman nods to the fallen rebels, then looks at the young Kamitora user again, her blue eyes boring into his. "back to the village for questioning, and healing to those who need it. Tetsuo, do you have enough chakra to create another of your transport creatures? If so, lets get going."

(Sorry about the delay there - long busy stretch and lack of inspiration)